Wednesday, January 2, 2008

#34 A fridge full of leftovers and nothing to eat

Fitday and Nutridiary - scary tools to be looking at on New Years Day with the Xmas leftovers and chocolates still filling the fridge.

Both work in similar ways. You enter your height, weight, age, type of job, and you use them as a personal weight loss diary, calorie counter, diet planner etc.

I preferred Fitday mainly because it has a cleaner, less cluttered look; and because it accepted that I knew my weight in kgs (metric) and my height in ft & inches (imperial). This, however, caused nutridiary to have conniptions as it assumed I would use the same measuring form (metric or imperial) for both -doh, and it couldn't cope with the concept that I was 5 metres tall...

I tried the learning exercises on both of them and the results were unsurprisingly similar (once I worked out what my height in metres was).

BTW those results will NEVER be published...

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