Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing #63. Foxit reader

I don't like downloading stuff onto my laptop - mainly cos the hard drive is almost full and the replacement twice-the-capacity hard drive is sitting on my desk staring at me as i type this (Note to self: must install new hd)

I've downloaded foxit reader onto my usb drive of portable apps (aka as the surfboard if you are rifling thru my usb drives for any reason)

I suspect this could be another useful tool if I need to fill in a PDF form online.

Once again I tried the US Postal Service- online job application and found foxit a little more 'tapsister friendly' than pdf escape when filling in the form. It's hard to pinpoint why I preferred foxit - I think it's probably just a 'personality' thing, no real reason just personal preference.

I did wonder whether zamzar (my favourite conversion tool) would be useful for these online pdf forms?

(wanders off to upload us post office job app to zamzar...)