At the risk of incurring the wrath of all those above me - what is it with library staff and cats?(the miaowing kind, not the singing kind).
This 'thing' is all to do with cats being cute, adorable and funny. Not that I have anything against cats I'm just curious as to the correlation between books and cats.
I liked this Pirates of the Caribbean lolcat. (Like I said, nothing againts cats, just curious..)
Not all library staff like cats - some positively hate them and regularly point this out. Maybe they only point this out to people who like cats ;>). You are streaming ahead - I thought I would catch up today because it was too hot to do anything apart from going to the pictures and I had to go out to get there.
I was a bit concerned when there was a whole 'thing' about cats - I've skimmed ahead & can't see any dogs, birds, fish or hippopotamuses in future 'things' :)
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